- Hongtashan
Hongtashan (
Simplified Chinese :红塔山;Traditional Chinese :紅塔山;Hanyu Pinyin :Hóngtǎshān) is a very popular brand ofcigarette inChina . The cigarettes are made with a flue-curedtobacco type and therefore sugar and nicotine levels are relatively high. The brand, established in1959 , gets its name from the location of its main production facility, Hongtashan Hill ('RedPagoda Hill') inYuxi . Hongtashan cigarettes are mainly distributed throughout China, though some are exported.It was ranked as the number one most valuable brand in
China in2001 by thePeople's Daily [http://english.people.com.cn/200112/18/eng20011218_86963.shtml] , for the 7th consecutive year.
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