Denis Simonet

Denis Simonet
Denis Simonet (2011)

Denis Simonet aka "SciFi" (b. Biel/Bienne, May 21, 1985[1]) from Ipsach is a Swiss politician, and president of the Pirate Party Switzerland (PPS).[2] He was reelected for a further period on December 5, 2009[3] and February 19, 2011[4].



Simonet, a founding member of his party, studied Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and switched to the Bern University of Applied Sciences. He is also a founding member of the Swiss Privacy Foundation.[5] One of his hobbies is playing the piano. He released his two compositions on[6] and composed the jingle for the independant podcast[7]. He also acts as a reporter for


Simonet participated in the cantonal elections of Bern 2010 on first position on the list "PIRATEN" in district Biel-Seeland and got 726 votes, which wasn't enough to gain a seat.[8] At those elections Pirate Party Switzerland got 0.7% of all votes. At the national elections 2011 he was on list place 3 and got 4904 votes[9]. Again Pirate Party Switzerland got 0.7% of all votes in the canton of Bern. Simonet owns a lobbyist passport for the federal parliament building which he got from Lukas Reimann, a national council of the political party "SVP".

From December 13, 2010 to December 24, 2010 Simonet wrote about digital policy for the well known newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung[10] and for the IT Magazine "Netzwoche" he was interviewed as an expert on surveillance and privacy[11]. In his own blog he often writes about digital policy, some posts were already overtaken by the students portal and the newspaper Tagesanzeiger[12]. He is a member of the committee for more transparency in politics[13] and fights against the reintroduction of fixed book prizes as a member of the committee against expensive books[14].


Simonet is the contact person of the domain name on which the wikileaks website has been transferred on December 3, 2010.[15] The domain and redirection have been set up by Pirate Party Switzerland due to a board decision on June 8, 2010.[16] At the founding assembly of Pirate Parties International[17] he represented PPS as a delegate, together with Pascal Gloor.[18]


  1. ^ User profile, Simonet's Blog
  2. ^ Präsident, Pirate Party Switzerland
  3. ^ Denis Simonet präsidiert Piratenpartei, NZZ online, December 6, 2009.
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ Die Gründung der Swiss Privacy Foundation, The foundation of the Swiss Privacy Foundation on January 24, 2010 in Bremgarten
  6. ^ First Compositions His compositions on
  7. ^ Hint in the Shownotes, official website of
  8. ^ Official results of the Grossratswahlen Kanton Bern 2010
  9. ^ Resultate der einzelnen Listen (gesamter Kanton), Website of the Canton of Bern
  10. ^ Eine Digitalpolitik für die Schweiz
  11. ^ "Nur Nudisten haben nichts zu verbergen", Netzwoche
  12. ^ Das Desaster mit dem Pferd
  13. ^ Piraten fordern transparentere Politik
  14. ^ Co-Präsidium Buchpreisbindung-Referendum
  15. ^ Switch
  16. ^ Minutes
  17. ^ Press release, Pirate Parties International
  18. ^ Minutes, Board decision to send delegates to the conference.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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