Demi Barbito

Demi Barbito
Demi Barbito was born in Orange, Ca. in Nov. 21, 1968. His study of the martial arts began in 1989 at age 20 when he started training in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do Concepts and the Filipino martial arts. In 1993 he transitioned into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to fill the void of ground fighting which the JKD Concepts lacked. In 1994 he started a full contact stick fighting club in Anaheim, Ca. This group met on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings over the course of a year. The training included kickboxing, stick and knife fighting and grappling but emphasized full contact weapons training.

In 1998 he moved to Paso Robles, Ca. and in 1999 he started the Center for Self Preservation Training. The CSPT became a clearing house and tactical laboratory with the express purpose of bringing together all the areas of combat Demi had trained separately under one roof and then to simplify them for practical application. About that time Demi dedicated his personal training almost entirely to tactical firearms. He then spent several years developing and integrating firearms into the scope of training at the CSPT. Soon after he was issued a permit to carry a concealed weapon by the state of California. Demi also became a certified Simunition© supervising instructor for the use of Simunition© for military and law enforcement.

The early years of the CSPT were spent refining the martial arts techniques he had practiced for more than a decade. By 2002 Demi had thoroughly re-evaluated his Jeet Kune Do roots. The claims of efficiency made by the Jeet Kune Do community were less than accurate when put to the test of cross style sparring and scenario based training in padded training suits.

Demi coined the term Self Preservation Training. This is not self defense. Self defense is a limited response to a limited threat. Self Preservation is training to counter an assault anywhere, anytime, with anything, against anyone, under any circumstances. This meant stripping away the non-functional techniques and training methods of all the various elements he trained and even filling the tactical gaps left by the narrow focus of individual arts. In Self Preservation training only high probability tactics, mainly gross motor functions, and progressive training methods would be used. There would be no preference toward a particular style or range of combat. Only a desire to avoid violence or to end an assault as quickly and effectively as possible.

Demi Barbito is featured in a numerous instructional DVDs on Self Preservation Training produced by the CSPT and other companies. He has also written for, or has been featured in Black Belt magazine, Martial Arts Legends magazine and other publications.

Demi's private clients come into the CSPT from all over the world and his website maintains a list of the instructors he has certified to various levels of instructorship. He has worked with law enforcement from all over the country including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs, U.S. Border Patrol as well as Probation and adult gang units.


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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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