

Autophradates (in Greek Aυτoφραδάτης; lived 4th century BC) was a Per­sian who distinguished himself as a general in the reign of Artaxerxes III and Darius Codomannus. In the reign of the former he made Artabazus, the revolted satrap of Lydia and Ionia, his prisoner, but afterwards set him free.rf|1|dem After the death of the Persian admiral, Memnon, in 333 BC, Autophradates and Pharnabazus undertook the command of the fleet, and reduced Mytilene, the siege of which had been begun by Memnon. Pharnabazus now sailed with his prisoners to Lycia, and Autophradates attacked the other islands of the Aegean sea, which espoused the cause of Alexander the Great. But Pharnabazus soon after joined Autophradates again, and both sailed against Tenedos, which was induced by fear to surrender to the Persians.rf|2|arr_2.1 During these expeditions Autophradates also laid siege to the town of Atarneus in Mysia, but without success.rf|3|aris_2.4.10


*Smith, William; "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [ "Autophradates"] , Boston, (1867)


ent|1|dem Demosthenes, "Speeches", [;query=section%3D%23459;layout=;loc=23.153 "Against Aristocrates"] ent|2|arr_2.1 Arrian, "Anabasis Alexandri", [ ii. 1] ent|3|aris_2.4.10 Aristotle, "Politics", [;query=section%3D%2332;layout=;loc=2.1266b ii. 4]


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