Date My Ex

Date My Ex
Date My Ex: Jo and Slade
Format Reality
Starring Jo De La Rosa
Slade Smiley
Myia Ingoldsby
Lucas James
Country of origin United States
Running time 60 minutes (including commercials)
Original channel Bravo
Original airing July 21, 2008
External links

Date My Ex is an American dating show on Bravo at 10 pm that answers the question, Can exes be friends? It is focused on the dating life of the singer, ex-Housewife of Orange County, Jo De La Rosa. She enlists the help of her ex-fiance, Slade Smiley and her best friends Myia Ingoldsby and Katy Metz.



Three guys are invited into Slade's house, every week to live with him and compete for Jo's heart. Every day, one of Jo's friends deliver a red and white polka dot box containing a note and a clue hinting at the days events, to her house. The three guys take Jo out on a unique date, close to their own heart. However, what they don't know is that Slade can watch their dates. After all of the dates, Jo chooses one of the guys to stay in Slade's house and go on a second date with her, while the others are told "I think we should just be friends." and they have to leave the house immediately.


The Premiere

Season 1, Episode 1

  • Winner: David
  • Eliminated: Martin, Michael, Nelson

It starts out with the four guys being brought to the house and introduced to Slade after the news that their brief residence is, in fact, his house. They are shown their small living quarters, 4 twin beds in a cramped room with one bathroom. They have all planned dates and Martin, the real estate salesman goes first. He takes Jo to a restaurant, which he has shut down just for them. He cooks her a meal in the restaurant's kitchen with minimal help from Jo. They then go dancing in the restaurant. She reveals that she likes a man in an apron but doesn't like that she had hardly talked. Slade agrees with Myia that Jo has hardly put a word in. When Martin gets back he refuses to talk about the date. Slade wakes Michael up in the morning and Michael says "It's weird to be woken up by the ex-fiancee of the woman you are trying to pursue." He takes Jo out on a boat to teach her to fish. Jo only catches a small fish but seems satisfied. Michael taught her how to gut a fish, much to her displeasure. They then went out on the bow of the boat and had breakfast. Not unlike Martin, Michael refuses to talk about his date. David's date starts with him blindfolding her with a Louis Vouitton scarf and leading her up to the roof. There is a private helicopter and champagne. Jo calls Martin cocky. They enjoy champagne then climb into the helicopter for a ride around Los Angeles. It appears that Slade doesn't like David's date with Jo. It is dark he returns to the house but he is open and willing to talk about his date. Nelson's date with Jo is rockclimbing on a beach. Jo tells him that she has always wanted to rock climb. As Nelson climbs up the rock, Jo makes the comment "Your butt looks cute from here" He makes it to the top then lets Jo try. Nelson gives Jo the same compliment as she climbs. The last part of the date is shooting each other with water guns on the beach. Slade approaches David before elimination and tells him that he doesn't feel that he can trust him and that he is to drop out. At elimination the four guys are allowed one last comment to Jo and David appears to drop out but instead makes a comment like everyone else and is chosen in the end.

Sparks Fly

Season 1, Episode 2

  • Winner: Lucas
  • Eliminated: Ali, Tyler

Jo is nervous for her next round of dates with new suitors Tyler, Lucas and Ali. Meanwhile, Slade continues to agitate the guys back at the house. Tyler teaches Jo how to shoot a gun, but the only sparks that fly are from the gunpowder. Lucas and Jo flirt their way around a golf course. Ali and Jo bond over their shared passion for music. Later at a BBQ at the house, the whole gang is upset when they learn that Lucas lied. In the end, Lucas was chosen by Jo to go on a second date with her.

Suitors vs. Slade

Season 1, Episode 3

  • Winner: Zack
  • Eliminated: Andre, Steve

Jo's next round of suitors are Zack, Steve and Andre. Model Zack arranges a sexy photo shoot with Jo, sweet Steve brings his Midwest charm to Los Angeles by creating a winter wonderland in the middle of a park, and Andre purchases expensive perfume for Jo. But a vicious rumor that one of the new guys has a crush on Jo's best friend, Myia, sends Jo over the edge at the pool party. At the same time, watching Jo flirt with her many past and present suitors proves to be too much for a jealous Slade, who storms out of the house. In the end, Jo gave a second chance to Zack to impress her on their second date.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • date — [ dat ] n. f. • 1281; lat. médiév. data (littera) « (lettre) donnée », premiers mots de la formule indiquant la date où un acte avait été rédigé 1 ♦ Indication du jour du mois (⇒ quantième), du mois et de l année (⇒ millésime) où un acte a été… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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