Daheliya Pooth

Daheliya Pooth

Daheliya Pooth is a village which is situated in Aliganj of Etah district, Uttar Pradesh. In this village there are many farmers, generally farming wheat and rice.

Reports of National Panchayat Directory

Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India

List of Census Villages mapped for : DAHELIYA POOTH Gram Panchayat, ALIGANJ, ETAH, UTTAR PRADESH

Sr. No. Census Village Code Census Village Name Main Village
1. 01828700 Dahliya Pooth Example
2. 01828900 Mah Khera Example
3. 01829000 Nagla Achal Example

Head of the Village

The head of the village is Pradhan which was elected through votes made by villagers. Balvir Singh Yadav is the pradhan of the village.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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