Daham Miro

Daham Miro

Daham Miro دهام ميرو (Januari 1921-November 2010) was a Kurdish political leader and former chairman of the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (KDPS). Daham Miro was born in Ségirka Miro (Miro’s three hills) in Syria.

He followed a Quranic School in Ayn Diwar in the thirties. He and his family supported the first Kurdish party in Syria (Kurdish Democratic Party established in 1957) and opposed the Syrian policy against the Kurds. His family was heavily punished and great part of there land was given to Arab Settlers who brought to the region as a part of the Syrian Arabisation policy of the Kurdish region.

KDPS went through several divisions in the sixties. Mustafa Barzani (The father of Massoud Barzani the current president of Iraqi Kurdistan) attempted to reunify the party by inviting all the fractions in 1970 to Iraqi Kurdistan. During the meetings Miro was Chosen and later re-elected in 1972 as the chairman of KDPS.

Miro and other party leaders were arrested in the summer of 1973 shortly after they had addressed a memorandum to the Syrian president Assad protesting the living conditions of the Kurds deprived citizenship. Miro and other party leaders were heavily tortured during detention. In 1976 Amnesty international launched a campaign urging the Syrian government to release Miro. Miro was released in 1981 after 8 years of imprisonment.

Despite his political nonactiveness after his release Miro still gain enormous respect among Syrian Kurds.


- Syria's Kurds by Jordi Tejel - A People without a country by Gérard Chaliand - Amnesty International 8/1976: Daham Miro (Campaign for Prisoners of the Month)</

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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