Swami Amritaswaroopananda

Swami Amritaswaroopananda

Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri is one of the oldest disciples of Mata Amritanandamayi and is the Vice Chairman of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math. His pre-monastic name was Balagopal

He met Amritanandamayi in 1979, and accepted "sannyasa" in October 1989 taking his current name.

His younger brother is also one of the senior most descilples of AMMA. He accepted his sanyasa in the year 1994 taking the name Swami Pranavamritananda Puri. His pre-monastic name was Venugopal.

External links

* [http://photos.amritapuri.org/in/cannes05.php?sn=1 Photos of Amritaswaroopananda] at the Cannes film festival

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