DYWIDAG Systems International

DYWIDAG Systems International

DYWIDAG-Systems International (DSI) is a globally operating technology group that has its focus on the Construction and Underground markets.

DSI was founded in 1979 as a Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG (DYWIDAG) subsidiary to market licences for DYWIDAG-Products and Systems around the world.

At the beginning, DSI’s focus was on Construction, with a principal market focus being Post-Tensioning and Geotechnics. In 2000, DSI began to establish a second division in the Underground sector. The main focus of this division is the development, production and supply of products and systems for mining and tunneling.

Today, DSI is an international supplier in Construction and Underground. In 2010, the company had 2,118 employees. DSI’s activities in Construction and Underground are currently focussed on the regions EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), North America, South America and Asia/Pacific.

All of the company's activities in “Concrete Accessories”, which form part of the Construction business, are combined in DSI's traditional DYWIDAG form tie business with products and systems produced by the DSI companies in Porta Westfalica, contec-systems (Germany), as well as in the companies Artéon, Mandelli-Setra, Technique Béton and Idéaplast (all of them located in France).

The group's Underground activities in EMEA are concentrated at DSI GmbH in Pasching/Linz, Austria (formerly ALWAG Ges.m.b.H.). At the same time, DSI Austria is the center of competence for the development and application of Mining and Tunneling systems.

DSI’s business in the South American region was newly structured at the beginning of 2009. DSI Chile Industrial Ltda. (Santiago, Chile), Protendidos DYWIDAG Ltd. (Sao Paulo, Brazil), and DSI-Fosminas (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) were combined with DSI Peru (Lima, Peru) to form a division acting on the South American market.

DSI’s worldwide presence is based on a decentralized corporate structure. DSI is globally represented by its own DSI companies, licensees and agents.


  • 1865 Dyckerhoff & Widmann is founded
  • 1950 DYWIDAG starts its license business
  • 1979 DSI is founded for coordinating the international license business
  • 2000 DSI strengthens its supply business for the mining industry
  • 2001 DSI and DYWIDAG become part of the Walter Bau Group
  • 2005 DSI purchased by Industri Kapital after Walter Bau’s insolvency
  • 2006 Concentration on new business divisions Tunneling and Concrete Accessories
  • 2007 DSI network comprises more than 90 subsidiaries, joint ventures, licensees and agents
  • 2007 DSI is sold to CVC Capital Partners
  • 2009 Merger of the subsidiaries SUSPA-DSI and contec into DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH,Germany
  • 2009 Merger of ALWAG Tunnelausbau Ges.m.b.H. into DYWIDAG-Systems International Ges.m.b.H., Austria
  • 2010 Acquisition of DSI by BAML (Bank of America Merrill Lynch) and Barclays Capital
  • 2011 DSI is sold to Triton Private Equity


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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