DJ Tutor

DJ Tutor

DJ Tutor is the title given to Johnathan Lewis, and to the online community of DJs that he inspired through his Youtube channel "ellaskins".



Johnathan's rough and ready, punk TV style was a contrast to the slick image that DJs were presenting previously.

His tutorial videos for beginners have started the careers of many professional DJs.[1][2][3][4][5]

Thousands of new and experienced DJs have responded with videos and comments, so that DJ Tutor has become a social network for DJs from all over the world.

Johnathan's catchphrase "Practise and N_Joy" has entered the DJ vocabulary.[6][7][8][9][10]

Johnathan Lewis

Johnathan grew up in Borth, near Aberystwyth, and still lives and works in West Wales.

He started working as a professional DJ in 1984.

Clubs and hotels he worked in include Starlight (New York), Tiffany's (Oslo) and the Continental Hotel (Isle of Man). He also presented his own show "Phatbeats FM" on Radio Ceredigion, as well as running a mobile roadshow.


In September 2006 Johnathan discovered Youtube, and started posting comedy videos, and drum tutorials.

In October 2006 Johnathan noticed the lack of DJ tutorials, and decided to fill the gap. Encouraged by the response, he singlehandedly produced several DJ videos a day.

In 2007, the DJ Tutor website was launched, and DJ Tutor became a limited company. DJs were asked to post their own ten minute mix videos, which they did in thousands, and this led to the first ever online video DJ mix competition.

DJ Tutor ran the DJ Mag Micromix competition,[11] plus several other competitions.

DJ equipment manufacturers started to send products for use in the videos, and embedded the videos and links in their own websites.[12][13]

The Youtube channel "ellaskins" was included in the book Youtube For Dummies.[14]

Johnathan has contributed articles to DJ Mag, Mixmag and Pro Mobile.

Other DJs began to contribute, notably Brian Redd, John Beck and DJ Angelo.

Johnathan was invited to the BPM show, Musikmesse, and Mobile Beat Las Vegas, and became a Tutor at Ministry of Sound DJ Academy.[15] He has taught DJing for BBC Blast and DJ Tutor is on the BBC's list of music learning resources.[16]

On 2 October 2010, DJ Tutor and BPM Show attempted to break the Guinness Book of Records world record for longest DJ mix. The attempt was unsuccessful.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Tutor — Sm Betreuer, Mentor per. Wortschatz fach. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Zunächst entlehnt aus l. tutor Vormund , zu l. tuērī (tuitus sum) Sorge tragen, ins Auge fassen ; dann neu entlehnt (< 18. Jh.) mit der Bedeutung Studienleiter aus ne. tutor aus… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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