
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Incertae sedis
Order: Incertae sedis
Family: Incertae sedis
Genus: Cystodium

Cystodium is a genus of fungi in the Ascomycota phylum. The relationship of this taxon to other taxa within the class is unknown (incertae sedis), and it has not yet been placed with certainty into any class, order, or family.[1]

See also

List of Ascomycota genera incertae sedis


  1. ^ Lumbsch TH, Huhndorf SM. (December 2007). "Outline of Ascomycota – 2007". Myconet (The Field Museum, Department of Botany, Chicago, USA) 13: 1–58. 

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