

Cylarabes, or Cylarabos, or Cylasabos, son of Sthenelus, was a mythological king of Argos.

He succeeded to the throne upon the death of his father.[1] During his reign Argos was finally reunited after having been divided into three parts since the reign of Anaxagoras. Anaxagoras has given one third of his kingdom to Melampus and the other to Bias while Anaxagoras and his line continued to rule the central region. Cylarabes regained the portion of the kingdom given to Bias upon the death of Cyanippus. (The portion belonging to the line of Melampus had been regained by his father Sthenelus, upon the death of Amphilocus). Cylarabes died without an heir and his vacant throne was seized by Orestes, the king of Mycenae.[2]


  1. ^ Tripp, Edward. Crowell's Handbook of Classical Mythology. New York: Thomas Crowell Press, 1970, p. 537.
  2. ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 2. 18. 5
Regnal titles
Preceded by
King of Argos Succeeded by

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