Y.E.S. 933 FM

Y.E.S. 933 FM

Infobox Radio Station
name = Y.E.S. 93.3FM

area = flag|Singapore
branding =
motto =
airdate =
frequency = 93.3 MHz
format = Contemporary hits
erp =
class =
owner = MediaCorp
website = [http://www.yes933.sg/ http://www.yes933.sg/]
callsign_meaning =

Y.E.S. 93.3FM (醉心频道 in Chinese) is a radio station of MediaCorp Radio in Singapore. Its target audience are people from 15 to 35 years of age. The station specializes in Chinese popular music, featuring artistes from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. 93.3FM is one of a select few radio stations in Singapore which boast a 24-hour non-stop broadcast. Its music popularity chart is arguably the industry's most definitive ranking. In a yearly listener survey by the government media body MediaCorp, the station has been ranked number 1 in popularity among all Singaporean radio stations for more than 10 years.

Industry involvement

93.3FM is also actively involved in the Chinese pop music industry. The station often organizes music award ceremonies in collaboration with overseas radio stations, and is involved in publicity for nearly every Chinese music artiste intending to sell his/her music in Singapore.

It is also often a major sponsor and/or publicity tool for Chinese popular music concerts.

The station maintains a rank system of current top hits, which is determined entirely by listener vote, and is known to strongly influence album sales.

Diversification of activities

The station has at times dabbled in non-music related broadcasts. Recently it featured a successful series of radio dramas named "Canned Drama 罐头剧场" written and performed by the station's deejays.

Previously it also presented a programme named "Music Diary 音乐日记" featuring the letters of listeners detailing their personal accounts of love and emotional trial. The programme was so popular that it led to a series of book spinoffs publishing the stories in print form.

In addition to publicizing music events, deejays are often involved in product publicity and/or endorsements.

In an effective publicity effort for the station, 93.3FM has employed deejays via a reality show format, in which contestants pit their deejaying abilities against each other in competing for a contract. Winners of each round are determined by listener vote.

Use of the Internet

The station, like many other Singaporean radio stations, is available via a online broadcast on its website, which was recently made available in previously blocked territories such as the US.

The station regularly publishes online podcasts which feature guest deejay performances by music artistes and the latest celebrity gossip in the Chinese pop music domain.

The station's dedication programme has also recently begun to accept dedication requests via a blog at [http://xiange933.blogspot.com xiange933.blogspot.com] , at which links to individual deejay blogs can be found. This new flexibility has brought significant convenience to listeners, who previously had to write dedication letters weeks in advance.

Certain deejays are also accessible via Facebook.


* Ranked Number 1 Mandarin radio station in Singapore for 17 years since its opening in the year 1990.
* Voted as Favourite Chinese Station in the [http://www.mediacorpradio.sg/sra2007/podcast-favRS.htm Singapore Radio Awards 2007]


Below are the employees in Y.E.S. 93.3FM:

:"All names are romanized."

ee also

*List of radio stations in Singapore


External links

* [http://www.yes933.sg Y.E.S. 93.3FM Official Website]

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