Concheros string instruments

Concheros string instruments
Concheros dancers, Mexico.

The concheros string instruments are Mexican plucked instruments that consist in three variants:

  • mandolino de concheros or mandolina conchera: with 4 double courses (8 strings)
  • vihuela de concheros or vihuela conchera: with 5 double courses (10 strings)
  • guitarra de concheros or guitarra conchera: with 6 double courses (12 strings)

In their structure these instruments have a concha (armadillo shell), a shell-like wood or a gourd as resonance box. These instruments are performed by Concheros dancers.


  • Atlas Cultural de México. Música.. México: Grupo Editorial Planeta. 1988. ISBN 968-406-121-8. 

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