Collegiate — • An adjective applied to those churches and institutions whose members form a college Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Collegiate Collegiate … Catholic encyclopedia
Collegiate — Col*le gi*ate, a. [L. collegiatus.] Of or pertaining to a college; as, collegiate studies; a collegiate society. Johnson. [1913 Webster] {Collegiate church}. (a) A church which, although not a bishop s seat, resembles a cathedral in having a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
collegiate — collegiate; in·ter·collegiate; sub·collegiate; … English syllables
collegiate — [kə lē′jit, kə lē′jē it] adj. [ME collegiat < LL collegiatus, member of a college] 1. of or like a college 2. of, like, or for college students 3. of or like a collegiate church … English World dictionary
Collegiate — Col*le gi*ate, n. A member of a college. Burton. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
collegiate — mid 15c., from L. collegiatus member of a college or corporation, in M.L., of or pertaining to a college, from collegium (see COLLEGE (Cf. college)) … Etymology dictionary
collegiate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to a college or college students. 2) (of a university) composed of different colleges … English terms dictionary
collegiate — collegiately, adv. collegiateness, n. /keuh lee jit, jee it/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a college: collegiate life. 2. of, characteristic of, or intended for college students: collegiate clothes; a collegiate dictionary. 3. of the nature of or… … Universalium
collegiate — col|le|giate [ kə lidʒət ] adjective 1. ) relating to colleges or intended for students at college: a collegiate dictionary collegiate sports 2. ) consisting of several colleges or parts: the collegiate system at some overseas universities 3. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
collegiate — [[t]kəli͟ːʤiət[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Collegiate means belonging or relating to a college or to college students. [mainly AM] The 1933 national collegiate football championship was won by Michigan. ...collegiate life. Syn: college … English dictionary