William lashner — Littérature Par catégories … Wikipédia en Français
William Lashner — est un auteur de thriller juridique nord américain, né en 1956. Il est diplômé de la NYU School of Law et de l Iowa Writers Workshop. Il fut un temps procureur du ministère de la Justice américain dans la division Criminelle, avant de devenir… … Wikipédia en Français
Folio policier — Logo de la collection Folio policier est une collection de romans policiers initiée en 1998 par les éditions Gallimard. Yvond Girard, le directeur de la collection Folio, est tout d abord le directeur de la collection avant de laisser sa place… … Wikipédia en Français
Shangai express (revue) — Shanghai express (revue) Shanghai express : feuilletons, crimes récits noirs {{{nomorigine}}} … Wikipédia en Français
Shanghai express (revue) — Shanghai express : feuilletons, crimes récits noirs Pays France Langue … Wikipédia en Français
Iowa Writers' Workshop — The Program in Creative Writing, more commonly known as the Iowa Writers Workshop, at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa is a graduate level creative writing program in the United States. Writer Lan Samantha Chang is currently the director … Wikipedia
Legal thriller — The legal thriller is a sub genre of crime fiction in which the major characters are lawyers and their employees. The system of justice itself is always a major part of these works, at times almost functioning as one of the characters. In this… … Wikipedia
List of University of Iowa people — Accomplished alumni * Archie Alexander, first African American graduate (in engineering); and, governor of the Virgin Islands * B.J. Armstrong, former NBA point guard for the Chicago Bulls * Tom Arnold, actor ( Roseanne , True Lies) and host of… … Wikipedia
Gregory Frost — (born 1951) is an American author of science fiction and fantasy, and directs a fiction writing workshop at Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. He received his Bachelor s degree from the University of Iowa. A graduate of the iconic… … Wikipedia
Iowa Writers' Workshop — El Programa en Escritura Creativa, mejor conocido como el Iowa Writers Workshop, de la Universidad de Iowa en Iowa (Iowa), es una maestría en escritura creativa en los Estados Unidos. La escritora Lan Samantha Chang es la actual directora del… … Wikipedia Español