

*Phototype can refer to a metal printing block, sometimes prepared using photogravure to reproduce a photograph in printing. The block may be a halftone image.

*Phototype can also refer to type set using a phototypesetting process to prepare pages for photo lithography. This process replaced hot metal typesetting. It was common throughout the 1970's and 1980's and was in turn rapidly rendered obsolete by modern systems which employ a raster image processor to render an entire page to a single high-resolution digital image which is then photoset.

*Skin phototype depends on the amount of melanin pigment in the skin. It is assessed on a scale from 1 to 6.

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  • phototype — [ fɔtɔtip ] n. m. • 1896; de photo et type 1 ♦ Rare Image photographique directe. ⇒ cliché, négatif. 2 ♦ Type de peau caractérisé par sa couleur et sa sensibilité au soleil. ● phototype nom masculin Image photographique visible et stable,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Phototype — Pho to*type, n. [Photo + type.] A plate or block with a printing surface (usually in relief) obtained from a photograph; also, any one of the many methods of processes by which such a printing surface is obtained. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Phototype — Dans le monde francophone, le mot phototype peut avoir deux sens : Sommaire 1 Dans le domaine des archives et bases de données d illustrations 2 Dans le domaine médical 3 Voir aussi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • phototype — iconotype (an illustration on which a new species or subspecies was based). Iconotype is preferred. May be merely a photograph of the type …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • phototype — phototypic /foh teuh tip ik/, adj. phototypically, adv. /foh teuh tuyp /, n. Print. 1. a plate with a relief printing surface produced by photography. 2. any process for making such a plate. 3. a print made from it. [1855 60; PHOTO + TYPE] * * * …   Universalium

  • phototype — noun a) A metal printing block, used in the photogravure process b) type that has been set using phototypesetting …   Wiktionary

  • PHOTOTYPE —    a block with impressions produced by photography from which engravings, &c., can be printed …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • phototype — n. block or plate having a relief printing surface made by photography; any process for making such a plate or block; print made from it …   English contemporary dictionary

  • phototype — pho•to•type [[t]ˈfoʊ təˌtaɪp[/t]] n. 1) pri a printing plate with a relief printing surface produced by photography 2) pri any process for making such a plate 3) pri a print made from it • Etymology: 1855–60 pho to•typ′ic ˈtɪp ɪk adj …   From formal English to slang

  • phototype — /ˈfoʊtoʊtaɪp/ (say fohtohtuyp) Printing Obsolete –noun 1. a plate with a (relief) printing surface produced by photography. 2. any process for making such a plate. 3. a print made from it. –verb (t) (phototyped, phototyping) 4. to reproduce by… …  

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