Cleve Haubold

Cleve Haubold

Cleve Haubold (born 1930) is a playwright,[1] actor, director, magician, and has a Phd in playwriting from the University of Texas.

Mr. Haubold was featured in the 1975-76 Who's Who in the South and Southwest.

In 1958-1959, during the 14th theatre season (When it became the Department of Theatre Arts) at the Texas Christian University, Cleve E. Haubold directed a play. This play was called The Little Hut by Andre Roussin.


Cleve Haubold, however, is often more well known as Van Cleve, the magician.[citation needed] Haubold is recognized by the magic community for several things:

His adorable rabbit Elwood.

The invention of the Gag Bag. (The magician displays a small cloth bag. Each time he turns the bag inside out however, the bag changes color!) <>

His routine called “The Miracle of the Little Orange Mouse” which is found in one of the early balloon sculpting books.

Was an active member of the Texas Association of Magicians(TAOM) Conventions

Scripting the original newspaper act of “Newspaper Magic”


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