Clemens Richter

Clemens Richter
Clemens Richter
Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten
Portrayed by Frank-Thomas Mende
Duration 1992-present
First appearance Episode 1
May 11, 1992
Created by Reg Watson
Gender Male
Occupation Teacher

Former Commercial artist
Former Journalist
Title Doctor of Laws
Residence Reichenburger Straße 12
Berlin, Germany

Clemens Richter played by Frank Thomas Mende. He plays with a sequence since (May 11, 1992) at GZSZ.


Clemens' father died. Judge Clemens was married to Vera Richter (both had affairs, but often), but was later divorced. Then he had some love affairs (as Anna Meisner, was detained in a mental hospital, just as the doctor Susanne Limbach, who was also abnormal in love with Clemens after he was patient with her for his heart attack). In the meantime (since 2009) with Elisabeth Clemens is married. At first it was just a sham to get custody of his grandson Felix, but now have real feelings develop, after Clement was already in love with years earlier, Elizabeth, living together for years but then just friendship. Heiko His son has disappeared, his second son, Tim Böcking (from an affair with Sabine Böcking created), which appeared only in 2002 when Clemens is, emigrated with Clemens' grandson Felix Böcking to Canada. A third child died during the pregnancy of Vera Richter. Since October 2009 he has custody of his grandson Felix must give back to Tim. But he understands now better again with Tim, who is still in Canada and with Caroline, who is pregnant by his best friend John, a new life begins


He worked from the beginning of the series to the Agency Löpelmann. Richter was once part of the magazine City Lights, which he bought in 1996 (for which he had to sell his house). This magazine, however, was ruined by Tina Zimmermann, having already tried several times Jo Gerner to harm the magazine. Earlier, City Lights put Clemens in the truest sense of the word on the game. Clemens has a gambling problem and that is only managed by Daniel and Elizabeth the jump. Thereafter he was employed as administrator for the agency Sisters. He already had two heart attacks (one when he had a romance with the doctor, Susanne, and later one, when he interfered in quarrels with his son Tim and his girlfriend Caroline) and then had some time in retirement. However, he could not accept being anything to do and is now a teacher of politics and German at school. In politics, Clemens was already engaged when he against Patrick Earl ran for the post in the town Councillor. Daniel Clemens's best friend, even though Daniel had an affair with Vera Richter, Clemens' ex-wife. Fetches Daniel Clemens back to the argenture Löpelmann, even though Clemens had just resigned.

Clemens was sick twice in love with women, first in Anne Meisner, who suffered from dissociative identity disorder, and later in Susanne Limbach, the doctor in the hospital and was treated Jeremiah Clemens after his heart attack. The two fell in love, but Susan was so obsessed with the much older Clemens, that Clemens gets bored. Susanne wants to kill himself so, but is found in time of Clemens and Senta.

Heiko Clemens son is missing now. In 1993, it feared for the lives of Heiko, when he was shot accidentally by Peter Becker. The more Clemens was delighted when in 2002 a certain Tim Böcking appeared to search for his biological father sought. Tim has grown out of an escapade of Clement Sabine Böcking. Tim stayed with Clemens in Berlin. The two came closer and closer, and after a time they actually were like father and son. Time and again, deep trouble but also in their relationship, such as Tim by Gerner (a friend of Clemens) was a drug addict. Tim Clemens was even money to buy these drugs could be. Clement wants the best for Tim, especially because they have met each other only when Tim was a teenager already. Tim is the caring nature of the father and that he always meddles everywhere, but neatly on the pointer. Above all, Clemens is mixed into the relationship between Tim and Caroline Neustadter. Again and again there are so quarrels and confrontation. Caroline got in an argument with Clemens a heart attack. Clemens mingled always one more and was even implicated in Hostel. Especially the money from Clemens was needed there. Since Tim and Caroline emigrated to Canada, Clemens and his wife Elizabeth in addition to their work as teachers manage the hostel.

The Off between Tim and Caroline was also due to the incorporation of Clemens. Caroline Clemens can stand anything else than. When Tim and Caroline parted, Tim slid into a crisis because Caroline just started out having an affair with Tim's best friend John Bachmann. In the crisis, Tim resumed Energy Opt, its previous drugs. One of the pill accidentally swallowed his son Felix, and therefore had to hospital. When Eggert's attention, the grandparents of Felix, to Malheur, they were complaining a custody. Because the chances of Tim were bad, Clemens also requested custody. But even when the chances of Eggert were always low, it was Clemens the custody request. For this he even married Elizabeth Meinhart, with whom he lives together for some time. Tim was more and more agitated: he accused Clemens of wanting to take away his son, so that Clemens can get Tim back to himself. Tim picked up just Gerner as a lawyer - just the one that brought Tim inm drug addiction. Dominik Gundlach, Gerner son and good friend of Tim convinced but Gerner, Tim offer help. Clemens won the final process because Tim freaked out in court, and spread lies about Clemens. To be won by his son, Tim moved back to zuzrück Clemens and Elizabeth. But there he could not stand it and Tim from haute. Clemens is devastated: Not only that, after his 2nd Heiko now Son has lost to Felix he has also lost its grandchildren.

In his fury, he charged all the people to blame for the current situation to be, only he himself sees a not guilty: John and Caroline, he alleged that because of the affair, complicity, and Gerner titled at an election rally as criminals because of the thing with Tim and the drugs. Together with Elizabeth, he traveled to Canada now to rediscover Tim. It succeeded, but Clemens could not convince Tim to come back to Berlin. Tim Carpenter is now in Canada.

Back in Berlin Clemens at least tried to help his love life back on the jumps. After he had fallen a few years ago in Elizabeth, his love for this has not replied to Clemens has again fallen in love with Elizabeth, even after they are married before - in fact a sham. Elisabeth has thus already experience: In 2003, she married Vincent Buhr a sham to prevent Győr welcomes deportation. Even then she fell in love then actually in it. And so it happened with Clemens. Half a year after their wedding in June 2009 they were finally a real couple. At first Clemens was jealous of Daniel, because he thought that he would heranmachen down again at his ex-wife. But Daniel falls in love with Rose and the two come together. Thanks also to Daniel and Elizabeth Clement are together at last. Meanwhile in Berlin makes a young woman in search of Clemens: Dascha Petrova.

Clemens was from February to April 2010 with his wife Elizabeth in Canada to visit his son Tim and his grandson Felix.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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