Clare Ann Matz

Clare Ann Matz

Clare Ann Matz (born 1961) is an American multicultural and multimedia performance artist, musician, film director, painter, journalist and writer, who lives and works in Italy.

Life and work

Clare Matz was born in New York. She moved to Italy in the early 1980s.

She hosted the television program "Blue Night", an evening magazine which presented interviews of famous artists, designers, dancers, experimental/pop/rock/jazz musicians and film directors and actors, for Video Music Italy and Super Channel London from 1989 to 1995. She presented the international guests at the 1989 music Festival di San Remo for RAI 1 International and later directed the music program "Bande Sonore" for Italia 1 in 2001-2002.

She began creating video clips with poetry and music in Milano where, with the group Maldoror, she won 1° prize RAI at the Filmmaker Festival with “Relax Girl, No voglio uccidere” (1982) and then with the group The C.A.M. Art Co. 1° prize “Città di Commacchio” at the Palazzo dei Diamanti of Ferrara with “Energy” (1984) Italy.

In New York City where she worked with the Japanese Butoh dance/theatre group Poppo before moving to Europe, where she collaborated with European modern dance/theatre groups: Teatro della Valdoca (1997–1998)with "Ruvido Umano" and "Canti dall'esilio d'occidente" and the group Kripton with "Skyline"(1987) with whom she was performance artist at the Festival Kassel Documenta 8. Mixing poetry, video and movement she performed at the Venice Biennale in 1999 with the Progetto Oreste and again in 2006 with the project "Le Città invisibili di Italo Calvino". A long collaboration has been going on with The C.A.M. Art Co. with whom she has worked on the production of “The Lonely Ballet of Radio Active Leaks” and “Energy” dedicated to fluxus artist Joe Jones (Asolo Festival 2006). “The Black Sun of Ciguri” (2002) inspired by Antonin Artaud's trip to Mexico with the Tarahumara Indians. “The City of the Sun” a rapresentation of Tommaso Campanella's utopia for the Teatru Dramatycznego Bialistok, Poland (1996). “Visions” for Micha Van Hoecke dance festival in Castiglioncello, Italy. “Columbus the Moor” performed at the Valladolid Theatre Festival, Spain and then again at the Museum of Modern Art of Las Vegas, USA (1992). In the Summer of 2004 she created the video installation "Pixel, electronic flow" for the "Blossoming Of Innovative Techniques and Extraordinary Media", an exhibition of the new creative wave at THE SALT QUEEN FOUNDATION. Currently she is creating the visuals for multimedia operas for the C.A.M. Art Co. to be presented in festivals throughout Europe.

Using her voice as a poet brought her to collaborate on the production of musical CDs among which “Alisee” RDC records with Francesco Rampichini (1993), “Heaven & Earth magic feature” Mantric Wave productions with Raffaele Serra (1994), “Luis Rizzo, suite il barrio” Materiali Sonori (1995), “Some Secrets” with her own songs for Materiali Sonori (1996), “Viventi Inimitabili” with Cataldo Meo (1999), “Spledidum Vitium” with Cataldo Meo (2001) and has seen her perform live in concerts in Italy and the U.S.A. including the 2010 poetic soundtrack for Marco Nereo Rotelli's installation at the Besana and Palazzo Reale of Milan with the "Danza delle Anime" within the show "Parole d'Artista" [1] 2010.

After working as presenter and journalist on television she started writing for magazines “Caffè del Teatro” (1999–2003), “Virus” with Francesca Alfano Miglietti (1993–1999), “New York City Arts” (1997–1998) and contributed to “Re Nudo” in the Starship section with Franco Bolelli (1996) and with Cesare Monti's Progetto Ario (1997) and “John Cage” (book+CD) with Materiali Sonori (1992).

She published the Italian rock poetry anthology “Plastic Poetry Party” (2007) with Monica Borettini and has written two novels “The Book” (2010) and “w_h_i_t_e_l_i_n_e_s” (2009) [1]


  • 1. San Remo Festival,1989 [2]
  • 2. Video Music, Blue Night it:Videomusic
  • 3. Bande Sonore, 2001 [3]- 2002 it:Alessia Mancini
  • 4. Kassel Documenta 8 performance with Kripton [4]
  • 5. Venice Biennale (Progetto Oreste) 11 September 1999 [5]
  • 6. Luis Rizzo "Suite el Barrio" [6]
  • 7. Some Secrets CD Materiali Sonori [7]
  • 8. Progetto Ario with Cesare Monti and Franco Bolelli [8]
  • 9. Virus n.10 - January, 1997 "Interview with John Waters" [9]
  • 10. Pixel, electronic flow for "Blossoming Of Innovative Techniques and Extraordinary Media", an exhibition of the new creative wave at THE SALT QUEEN FOUNDATION, New York 2004.[10]
  • 11. Marco Nereo Rotelli's "Parola d'artista" exhibit at Palazzo Reale and La Rotonda della Besana -2010 [11]

External links

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