Clairefontaine Paper Mills

Clairefontaine Paper Mills

Clairefontaine Paper Mills is a French company founded in 1858 in the city of Etival-Clairefontaine located in the Vosges region. The company is part of the group Exacompta Clairefontaine.


Jean-Baptiste Bichelberger, founder of the Clairefontaine Paper Mill in 1858, created the first factory of the future group in the Vosges region in the city of Etival-Clairefontaine. He worked and contributed to the growth of the company until his death in 1877. Paul Bichelberger and Emile Champon introduced wood as a raw material in the paper production. The first envelopes and notebooks were then manufactured.

From 1904 to 1914, the company is expanded and had more than 1,100 employees just before the First World War. In 1919, Léon Daridan restarted the production and he reconstructed the factory after the Second World War.

From 1950 to 1971, Charles Nusse became the President of Clairefontaine and the company experienced a rapid growth with the installation of modern machinery. He also created the iconic Clairefontaine Logo.

In 1997, Clairefontaine acquired the brand Rhodia to create the group Clairefontaine-Rhodia1.

In 2010, Charles Nusse is the President of the group, and the company sells more than 3,000 products. The company still manufactures the paper for all its products.


F. de Montmarin, « La maintenance des papeteries Clairefontaine : au service de la qualité », Maintenance et entreprise, 1999, n° 522, p. 42-44

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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