- Makololo
The Makololo are a people of
Southern Africa , closely related to theBasotho , from which they separated themselves in the early 19th century. Originally residing in what is nowSouth Africa , they were displaced by theZulu expansion underShaka and migrated north throughBotswana toBarotseland in the mid-19th century. After ruling over theLozi people for about 30 years they were overthrown in arevolution , and migrated east towardsMalawi .Their name appears to come from the name of
Sebitwane 's (their first chief) favourite wife, Kololo. Another theory is that it is aLuyana word meaning "bald" referring to their conqueror's hair styles.In dispute to these theories; Sebitwane was in fact escaping the wrath of Tsaka (or Shaka) Zulu, during the Mfecane. He settled in the area of the Makololo...displacing the local ruling structure with superior war techniques.Makololo bears resemblance to the present Shona "gororo" which means "dirty thief". Makororo is plural meaning "dirty thieves". Hence Makololo bears linguistic similarity to Makororo; and may point to the raiding habits of the inhabited people as resentment to the Zulu occupation...which the Zulu referred to as robbers without honour...or "dirty thieves".....Makololo.
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