Chumbe Marine Park

Chumbe Marine Park
Chumbe island coastal forest and beach

The Chumbe Marine Park, officially recognized officially as Chumbe Reef Sanctuary since 1994, is a privately managed mairne park in Chumbe Island, Zanzibar. It is successful as a ecotourism project. The objective of this sanctuary is to preserve and develop the rich biodiversity of the coral. Set up after controversial debate over a period of 3 years between the private developer of the park, the government and the local fishermen, the sanctuary has received funds from European Union, Gesselschaft fűr Techinsche Zusammenarbeit (the German aid agency) and many other donors including the initial developer. The sanctuary offers a terrestrial Nature Trail and an “Eco-lodge” for accommodation as well as an education centre. In particular, among the many awards it has received, the important ones are the “UNEP Global 500 Award for Environmental Achievement” and the British Airways Tourism for Tomorrow Southern Regional and Global Awards.

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