- Chorkor
Chorkor is a fishing village and a community in the Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana. It had a population of 45379 as of 2002.[1] The Chorkor oven got its name from here.[2] Chorkor is a low-income, densely populated community.[3][4] It has electricity, water pipes, schools, and clinics, but it lacks a drainage system and a good sanitary condition.[5] The shorelines of Chemu lagoon in Chorkor are polluted by waste materials.[6]
- ^ http://www.lumes.lu.se/database/alumni/03.04/theses/anomanyo_edward.pdf
- ^ http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/T3536E/T3536E07.htm
- ^ http://www.wash-united.org/media/photos/photo-galleries/article/stephen-appi-1.html?no_cache=1
- ^ http://web.mit.edu/urbanupgrading/waterandsanitation/resources/examples-pdf/CaseStudyGhana.pdf
- ^ http://www.ucl.ac.uk/dpu/k_s/publications/working_papers/k-o/WP126.pdf
- ^ http://www.wajae.org/papers/paper_vol11/West%20African%20Journal%20of%20Applied%20Ecology,%20vol.%2011,%202007.pdf
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