Ched Myers

Ched Myers

Ched Myers is a theologian specializing in biblical studies and political theology. In 1988 he published Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus, which was influential in the Radical Discipleship Movement, particularly among Catholic Workers. Myers' book was one of the earliest commentaries to take an empire-critical view, a view that was marginal in the 1980s, but is now widely accepted within the academy. Throughout the late '90's and early 2000s Myers devoted much of his teaching to what he calls Sabbath Economics.

Since the late 1970s Myers has been involved in numerous issues including movement work for racial justice, economic equity, indigenous sovereignty, anti-nuclear activism and ecological justice and restoration. He has travelled tirelessly as an "old-school" itinerant teacher for over twenty years teaching in homes, churches, retreat centers and more.

Myers currently works alongside his wife, Elaine Enns, as part of Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries, where the emphasis is on education for restorative justice, biblical literacy, ecological discipleship and radical economic sharing.

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