Charles Grawemeyer

Charles Grawemeyer

Charles Grawemeyer (1912–1993), industrialist, entrepreneur, astute investor and philanthropist, created the Grawemeyer Award at the University of Louisville in 1984. An initial endowment of $9 million from the Grawemeyer Foundation funded the awards, which have drawn thousands of nominations from around the world.

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  • Grawemeyer Award — The Grawemeyer Awards, presented each year by the University of Louisville in the state of Kentucky, United States, are among the world s most prestigious prizes presented to individuals in the fields of education, ideas improving world order,… …   Wikipedia

  • Grawemeyer Award (Music Composition) — The Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition is an annual prize instituted by H. Charles Grawemeyer, industrialist and entrepreneur, at the University of Louisville in 1984. The award was first given in 1985. Subsequently the Grawemeyer Award was… …   Wikipedia

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