- Chak No. 129 NB
Chak No.129 N.B. is a village of Sillanwali Tehsil in Sargodha District, Punjab, Pakistan. It was established by the British Government of India about 1900, it is a well planned village about 35 km away from Sargodha city southward and 3 km from its Tehsil Headquarters Sillanwali at Faruka Road. Chak No.129 N.B. is also known as 129 Naeem Malik Wala Haji Naeem Malik is first post graduate and first civil officer, made this village famous in area by topping in Secondary School Examination and Punjab University in MA. It is surrounded by Sillanwali city in north east, Chak 130 NB in east, Chak 144/145 in south west, Chak 128 NB in west, Chak 125 NB in north west and Chak 127 NB in north.
Its Population is about 4000 persons. Major clans are Khokhar, Rajput, Arain, Syed, Khichi, Awan and Mangla Demys. The village is entirely agricultural.Its major crops are wheat, sugar cane, cotton,barley, oats, pulses and citrus. A beautiful village surrounded by lush green agriculture farms and citrus orchards has good infrastructure. It has easy reach to the major cities via its Sargodha Road, Faruka Road, Barana Road and Railway Track. The railway track was laid down by British Govt. in 1926. The northern branch of Lower Jhelum Canal ( constructed in 1904), enhances the fertility and beauty of this village. Most of the population of Chak No.129 N.B. consists of Military Pensioners who served the British Government and in reward, they were allotted agricultural lands in this area. Administratively it is Union Council Headquarters. Malik Muhammad Afzal Awan is the Union Nazim of this Union Council No. 94. He has improved the village to much extent. He constructed pavements even to the deras of the inhabitants. There is one Government Elementary School for girls and Primary school for boys. The literacy rate is not higher. Most of the people are serving public and private sector. Some people are employed in local Sugar mills and at Bhatta Khasht.
Categories:- Populated places in Sargodha District
- Punjab, Pakistan geography stubs
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