Cesare and Vincenzo Conti

Cesare and Vincenzo Conti

Cesare and Vincenzo Conti, two brothers, were natives of Ancona, but went to Rome during the Pontificate of Gregory XIII, by whom they were employed, as well as by his successors, Sixtus V, Clement VIII, and Paul V. Cesare was esteemed for his grotesque ornaments, and Vincenzo painted the figures. The former died at Macerata about 1615; the latter went to the court of Savoy, and died there in 1610. Some of their works are in Santa Maria in Trastevere. In San Spirito in Sassia is the history of San Giacomo del Zucchi; in Santa Cecilia, 'St. Agnes,' and the 'Martyrdom of St. Urban.'


This article incorporates text from the article "CONTI, Cesare and Vincenzio" in Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers by Michael Bryan, edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Sir Walter Armstrong, an 1886–1889 publication now in the public domain.

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