

Cernach may refer to:

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  • Cernach mac Fogartaig — (died 738) was a king in southern Brega of the Uí Chernaig sept of Lagore of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of the high king Fogartach mac Néill (died 724).[1] He appears as a leader of the Uí Chernaig in the …   Wikipedia

  • Cernach mac Congalaig — (died 818) was a King of Brega from the Uí Chonaing sept of Cnogba (Knowth) of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Congalach mac Conaing (died 778) and brother of Flann mac Congalaig (died 812), previous… …   Wikipedia

  • Cernach mac Fergusa — (died 805) was a King of in South Brega of the Uí Chernaig sept of Lagore of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Fergus mac Fogartaig (died 751) and brother of Máel Dúin mac Fergusa (died 785) and Ailill mac… …   Wikipedia

  • Conall Cernach — (modern spelling: Conall Cearnach) is a hero of the Ulaidh in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. He is said to have always slept with the head of a Connachtman under his knee. His epithet is normally translated as victorious or triumphant ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Conall Cernach — Conall Cernach, dans la mythologie celtique irlandaise, est un héros Ulate qui appartient au « Cycle héroïque d’Ulster », dit aussi « Cycle de la Branche Rouge ». Son surnom « Cernach » signifie le victorieux et on… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Conall Cernach — [ konaL kʴernax] („Conall der Siegreiche“, „der Behornte“ [?], „der Eckige [?]“) ist ein keltischer Sagenheld aus dem historischen irischen Königreich Ulster[1] und der Milchbruder des größten Ulster Helden Cú Chulainn (siehe auch Compert Con… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Conall Cernach — Legendary warrior of Celtic mythology who appears in many stories. In Bricriu s Feast in the Ulster cycle, he is one of three knights challenged by a giant to let him chop their heads off after they behead him; of the three, only Cú Chulainn… …   Universalium

  • Conall Cernach — Guerrero legendario de la mitología célta que aparece en muchas historias. En El Banquete de Bricriu del ciclo de Ulster es uno de tres caballeros que aceptan el desafío de un gigante que les propone decapitarlos después de haber sido él mismo… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Conall Cernach — noun A heroic warrior of the Ulaid in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology, who killed his second cousin Erc. Son of Amairgin mac Echit and Findchoem. Nephew of Conchobar mac Nessa. Cousin of Fedelm Noíchrothach. Syn …   Wiktionary

  • Liste Des Rois De Brega — L’origine du nom du royaume de Brega est Mag Breg, la plaine de Brega, dans les actuels Comté de Meath et de Dublin. Annexé au VI siècle par les Uí Néill descendants de Conall Criamthain un fils de Niall Noigiallach Le royaume de Brega comprenait …   Wikipédia en Français

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