

Cephalgiaphobia is fear of headache, or fear of the next headache. It is derived from cephalgia (headache) and phobia (fear). The term is used for patients that are fearful of headache pain, or even exhibiting pain-panic. Cephalgiaphobia is a psychological state that has been linked to prompting and sustaining the overuse of medication.[1] Pain-panic situation is described as a significant and uncontrolled fear over anticipated painful events, which can prompt excessive and obsessive drug-taking behavior and, ultimately, medication overuse.[2] The medication overuse may turn, in turn, itself be the cause medication overuse headache. The term Cephalgiaphobia was coined by Dr. Harvey Featherstone in the mid-1980s[3]

Sleep is probably the best natural cure for Cephalgiaphobia, including meditation techniques, and medicines prescribed by a physician.[citation needed] As of now, opiates are of the oldest and most tested treatment remedies.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Saper 2005:545
  2. ^ Saper 202:668
  3. ^ Saper 2008:824


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