Jorge Serguera

Jorge Serguera

Jorge "Papito" Serguera (c. 1932 – 2009) was a Rebel Commander and the president of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television from 1967 to 1974.[1]

At one point Serguera banned songs from The Beatles from airing on Cuban radio stations. At a later point he admitted that he liked listening to the music in private. In a 2001 exclusive interview with Cuban author Ernesto Juan Castellanos, published in the book John Lennon in Havana with a little help from my friends, Serguera said that he was following orders from other officials who viewed the music as a threat to "the Revolution."[1]


  1. ^ a b "Cuban who banned Beatles has died." Reuters. Wednesday February 4, 2009. Retrieved on February 10, 2009.

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