- Music2Titan
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Four musical themes composed by French musicians
Julien Civange and Louis Haeri were placed on boardESA 's Huygens probe in October 1997. Their vocation is to strengthenESA andNASA 'sCassini-Huygens mission toSaturn andTitan with the aim to leave trace of our humanity to the unknown and build awarenessabout this adventure. "Hot Time", "Bald James Deans", "Lalala" and "No Love" have reachedTitan on January 2005 after a 7 years and 4 billion kilometer journey. Never will human signs have traveled and landed so far.In 2004,
Julien Civange organised the distribution and promotion of these music throughout the world by putting in place a system of distribution that is uniquely online (more adapted to follow the planning of a space mission than a physical distribution ! ) with all the I Tunes Music Stores of Apple around the planet. Since then, from Cupertino the ITMS team supervises the release of the 4 pieces of music. Quick Time also activly participates in the promotion of this intergalactic event.The on-going progress and news is released by the media around the world, the site www.music2titan.com created for the occasion receives millions of visits from more than 110 countries and thousands of e-mails from around the globe.
The depositions of support flowed in from around the world, from the simple man in the street to the stars of the scientific world, to the stars of the entertainment world, like Mick Jagger who declared in a press statement : Mick Jagger said (see: [http://asimov.esrin.esa.it/esaCP/SEMXQIO3E4E_index_0.html] ) : "Music has always been at the centre of cultures all over the world and I believe it will continue to play a important part in thousands of years time. Music has a role in the same way as technology and science in reflecting the age we live in and generally exploring new areas beyond the accepted boundaries and beyond earth. The music on board the spacecraft offers a very human touch to the project and at the same time provides an important educational aspect to the mission about outer space and contributes positively to the debate about whether there is any other planet or moon which can potentially sustain life"."
Articles & Reference
* European Space Agency (ESA) publication : [http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Cassini-Huygens/SEMIEAXJD1E_0.html]
* Philipkdickfans.com publication : [http://www.philipkdickfans.com/news/archive9.htm]
* European Space Agency (ESA) publication - january 31st 2005 : [http://asimov.esrin.esa.it/esaCP/SEMXQIO3E4E_index_0.html]
* Article by Bertrand Dicale in Le figaro 2512-2004 : [http://www.precoces.org/site/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=5223&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0]
* Radio France : [http://www.radiofrance.fr/reportage/laune/?rid=90000019&arch=1]
* The Guardian (uk) [http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2005/jan/13/thisweekssciencequestions2]
* Nasa Web site : [http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/news/display.cfm?News_ID=10376]
* Le monde : [http://www.lemonde.fr/cgi-bin/ACHATS/acheter.cgi?offre=ARCHIVES&type_item=ART_ARCH_30J&objet_id=881971]
* Presse review accessible from [http://www.music2titan.com]
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