

Tickell is a surname, and may refer to:

* Brian Tickell (born 1939), English football striker
* Crispin Tickell (born 1930), British diplomat
* Jerrard Tickell (died 1966), Irish novelist
* John Tickell (born 1945), Australian doctor
* Josh Tickell (21st century), American author
* Kathryn Tickell (born 1967), English fiddler
* Oliver Tickell (21st century), British journalist
* Richard Tickell (1751-1793), English playwright
* Samuel Tickell (1811-1875), British ornithologist
* Thomas Tickell (1685-1740), English poet
* Willow Tickell (21st century), English novelist

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  • Tickell, Thomas — (1686 1740)    Born at Bridekirk, Cumberland, the son of a clergyman, he graduated M.A. from Queen s College, Oxford, in 1708 1709, was made a fellow in 1710, then became university reader or professor of poetry at Oxford, although the opinion… …   British and Irish poets

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