Tyrannophryne pugnax

Tyrannophryne pugnax

name = "Tyrannophryne pugnax"

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Lophiiformes
familia = Oneirodidae
genus = "Tyrannophryne"
species = "T. pugnax"
binomial = "Tyrannophryne pugnax"
binomial_authority = Regan & Trewavas, 1932

"Tyrannophryne pugnax" is a species of deep-sea anglerfish in the dreamer family, Oneirodidae. It is the sole member of its genus. Like other oneirodids, "T. pugnax" is a bathypelagic fish with a bioluminescent lure. It is known only from two adolescent female specimens, one caught in 1928 near Tahiti-Rarotonga, and the other in 1956 northwest of Bikini Atoll.FishBase_species| genus = Tyrannophryne | species = pugnax | month = October | year = 2008]

The most distinctive feature of "T. pugnax" is its extremely long lower jaw, the joint of which extends backwards well past the base of the pectoral fin. The body of the fish is relatively slender, naked, and entirely black in color. The tail fin has unpigmented rays and is covered by dark skin for some distance past its base. The sphenotic spines (above the eyes) and symphysial spine (at the tip of the jaw) are present.Pietsch, Theodore W. and Kenaley, Christopher P. (2005). [http://tolweb.org/Oneirodidae/22026 Oneirodidae. Dreamers.] Version 05 November 2005 (under construction). [http://tolweb.org The Tree of Life Web Project] .]


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