

The Lethahedron is a a symbol, similar to a sigil or effigy, meant to be used as an idealogical weapon against apathy. It exists in two forms, each with a separate intention.

The Mortal Lethahedron

The drawn Lethahedron resembles a flag, or a meek figure, and represents apathy: that which does nothing as it is slowly destroyed. Based on this idea, it should only be represented by perishable materials such as chalk, dirt, ice, etc. so that this impermanence is more apparent. Those observing it are welcome to participate in its destruction.

Special care must be taken with the environment in which the Lethahedron is created. Since it is ideally a positive symbol and the most important aspect of it is the manner in which it is destroyed, its destruction must then be a positive act. The Lethahedron is not an image of rebellion but of unity, and it is important that it is represented as such.

The Digital Lethahedron

The Lethahedron is based on the idea that a symbol is as powerful as those that witness it, but this aspect is limited due to its fleeting existence. Its range is extended, however, if it is documented and perpetuated as an internet meme. As it is spread, ideally, so too is its power increased.

As there are guidelines for its creation, so too are there for its documentation. Since the primary focus of the symbol is its destruction, the focus of any documentation should be this act rather than the symbol itself.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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