- Larry Watson
Larry Watson is an American author of novels, poetry and short stories. He was born in 1947 in
Rugby, North Dakota . He grew up inBismarck, North Dakota . He earned both Bachelors and Masters degrees in fine arts at theUniversity of North Dakota . He subsequently earned a Doctorate in creative writing from theUniversity of Utah . Biographical data included with cite book|author=|title= Montana 1948 |publisher= Milkweed Editions |year=1993|id=ISBN 9780915943135 ] [http://www.larry-watson.com/bio.htm Larry Watson's Official Website] ]He taught English at the
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for a number of years.b]Bibliography
* cite book|author=|title= Montana 1948 |publisher= Milkweed Editions |year=1993|id=ISBN 9780915943135
*cite book|author=|title= Justice |publisher= Washington Square Press |year=1996|id=ISBN 9780671535575, collected fiction
*cite book|author=|title= White Crosses |publisher= Washington Square Press |year=1998|id=ISBN 9780671567736
*cite book|author=|title= In A Dark Time |publisher= Simon & Schuster |year=1998 |id=ISBN 9780671551643
*cite book|author=|title= Laura |publisher= Pocket Books |year=2000|id=ISBN 9780671567743
*cite book|author=|title= Orchard |publisher= Random House Publishing Group |year=2004|id=ISBN 9780375758546
*cite book|author=|title= Sundown, Yellow Moon |publisher= Random House, |year=2007|id=ISBN 9780375507229Poetry
*cite book|author=Watson, Larry|title= Leaving Dakota |publisher= Song Press |year=1983|id=ISBN
* Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts (1987, 2004)
* Grants from the Wisconsin Arts Board
*Milkweed National Fiction Prize (1993)
* Friends of American Writers Award
* Mountains and Plains Independent Booksellers Association Fiction Award (1994) [ [http://www.mountainsplains.org/regionalbookawards.aspx| Mountains and Plains Independent Booksellers Association Award] ]
* New York Public Library Fiction Award
* Wisconsin Library Association Award
* Critics’ Choice Award
* The High Plains Book AwardReferences
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.