Information Technology Infrastructure Library Version 3

Information Technology Infrastructure Library Version 3

ITIL v3 (IT Infrastructure Library v3): ITIL v3 defines a process with an agnostic platform and holistic framework for changing product development processes into to a service development processes. This is particularly important in SaaS environments such Help Desks. IT infrastructure developers use this framework to align products, services or application with the needs of customers thus proactively changing the product or service production environment.

What is the Noteworthy difference between ITIL v2 and ITIL v3ITIL v3 focuses on on continual and collaborative development as opposed ITIL v2 which only focused on implementing processes. ITIL v3 establishes the framework for the developement of a continual or "living" design for an IT infrastructure strategy.

How ITIL v3 DevelopedIn December 2005, the OGC issued notice of an ITIL refresh, ["Office of Government Commerce". [ ITIL Refresh Statement] ] commonly known as "Information Technology Infrastructure Library v3" ("ITIL v3"). The project culminated in the publication of five new core texts and a web based glossary on 30 May 2007. The ITIL Refresh project is being led by Sharon Taylor, chief architect of the ITIL Refresh, and president of the Aspect Group.

Five New Core Texts

ITIL v3 Core Volumes:
*Service Strategy focuses on the identification of market opportunities for which services could be developed in order to meet a requirement on the part of internal or external customers. The output is a strategy for the design, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the service as an organizational capability and a strategic asset. Key areas of this volume are Service Portfolio Management and Financial Management.

*Service Design focuses on the activities that take place in order to develop the strategy into a design document which addresses all aspects of the proposed service, as well as the processes intended to support it. Key areas of this volume are Availability Management, Capacity Management, Continuity Management and Security Management.

*Service Transition focuses on the implementation of the output of the service design activities and the creation of a production service or modification of an existing service. There is an area of overlap between Service Transition and Service Operation. Key areas of this volume are Change Management, Release Management, Configuration Management and Service Knowledge Management.

*Service Operation focuses on the activities required to operate the services and maintain their functionality as defined in the Service Level Agreements with the customers. Key areas of this volume are Incident Management, Problem Management and Request Fulfillment. A new process added to this area is Event Management, which is concerned with normal and exception condition events. Events have been defined into three categories:

** Informational events -- which are logged

** Warning events -- also called alerts, where an event exceeds a specified threshold

** Critical events -- which typically will lead to the generation of Incidents

*Continual Service Improvement focuses on the ability to deliver continual improvement to the quality of the services that the IT organization delivers to the business. Key areas of this volume are Service Reporting, Service Measurement and Service Level Management.

ITIL Credentials

ITIL Foundation Certification The ITIL Foundation certification credential validates the skills needed to deliver customer-centric and cost-justified, IT services.

ITIL Practitioner Certifications Focuses on ITIL v3 policy Change and Release, Support and Restore, Agree and Define. Emphasizes continual strategy development.

ITIL Service Manager Certification Focuses on the ability to plan and execute an ITIL implementation strategy as a Service Manager.

ITIL Training

EXIN certified ITIL v3 training is required to take the ITIL v3 Exams.
EXIN certified training is usually 24 hours or 3 days of training focused on case studies.

EXIN certified ITIL v3 Course:ITIL® v2-to-v3 Foundation Bridge Exam Prep Boot Camp
ITIL® v2-to-v3 Service Manager Bridge Exam Prep Boot Camp
ITIL® v3 Foundation Exam Prep Boot Camp


ITV3F : ITIL® V3 Foundation

ITV23FB : ITIL® V3 Foundation Bridge

ITV3OSA : ITIL® V3 Intermediate: Operational Support & Analysis

ITV3RCV :ITIL® V3 Intermediate: Release, Control & Validation

ITV3SO :ITIL® V3 Intermediate: Service Operation

ITV3SOA :ITIL® V3 Intermediate: Service Offerings & Agreements

ITV3ST :ITIL® V3 Intermediate: Service Transition

ITV23MB :ITIL® V3 Managers Bridge

* Proctored by EXIN Exams


"Continual" as opposed to ITIL v2's references to "Continuous" service ITIL v3 uses the word "continual" as opposed to ITIL v2's references to "continuous" service improvement (CSIP). Continual implies an activity that is undertaken on a phased, regular basis as part of a process. Continuous is more suitable for the definition of activities intended to operate without pause, such as the ultimate goal of availability.

ITIL v3 uses the word "continual" as opposed to ITIL v2's references to "continuous" service improvement (CSIP). Continual implies an activity that is undertaken on a phased, regular basis as part of a process. Continuous is more suitable for the definition of activities intended to operate without pause, such as the ultimate goal of availability.


The names "ITIL" and "IT Infrastructure Library": trademark and copy right of the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), which is an Office of the United Kingdom's Treasury

External Links:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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