Sidi Aliyu Harazimi

Sidi Aliyu Harazimi


The great Khalifa Akbar Ghausu Zamanihi wa Hamilu Asrari Sidi

He is the great Nigerian saint Arif-bi'Llah Shaykh Ali Harazimi of the renownedHausawa Ward Zawiyah of Kano. This great Zawiyah attracts more than 5000 people forthe monthly recital of the Jawharat al-Kamal. The famous books of Tafsir, Hadith,Arabic and Tasawwuf are also taught there to students of Knowledge. The Dhikr of Allah,Burdah, Diwan of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and other Adhkar are recited at this blessedZawiyah continuously. Many great Tijani Shaykhs have visited this Zawiyah, includingthe Descendants of the Qutb al-Maktum (RA), as well as the descendants of the originalSidi Ali Harazim (RA) himself!To my knowledge, this great Khalifah of the Tariqah Tijaniyyah is still alive. May Allahprolong his life. Amin.In a handwritten Ijazah, the Nigerian Sidi Ali Harazimi writes his chain thus:"From the Faydat al-Qutb al-Khatm, the Qutb al-Jami al-Haj Ibrahim bin al-HajAbd-Allah al-Kawlakhi from al-Haj Ahmad Sukayrij from al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Abdalawi from al-Haj al-Qutb Ali al-Tamasini and he from al-Shaykh al-Qutb al-Khatm, may Allah be pleased with him. And there is no Sanad (Chain) todayhigher than this, although I have other chains also."

I’d known about his Murid Kabir Sidi Husain bn Ilyas Danbare, The only saint I ever known that reach Maqam Qutbaniya with the edge of less than 40 years Hamilu Asrari SheikhihiIn a handwritten Ijazah, the Nigerian Sidi Ali Harazimi writes his chain thus:

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