Aerial bomb

Aerial bomb

A Bomb (explosive device) designed to travel tough the air with predictable trajectories, usually designed to be dropped from an aircraft. This includes a vast variety and complexity in designs, from "dumb" (simply dropped) to "smart" (remote or self guided), hand tossed from a vehicle, to needing a large special built vehicle, or maybe be the vehicle itself such as a Glide bomb, instant detonation or delay-action bomb. The act is termed Aerial bombing.

Early History

The first air-dropped bomb was dropped when Lieutenant Giulio Gavotti of the Italian Army dropped four grenades from his Blériot aircraft onto an Ottoman military encampment at the Taguira oasis in Libya on 1 November 1911. [Grant, R.G. Flight - 100 Years of Aviation p. 59 Dorling-Kindersley Limited 2004 1-4503-0575-4]

Following Italy's bombing, a second bombing occurred in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, during the Mexican Revolution. General Venustiano Carranza (later president of Mexico) intent on taking the city of Mazatlán, ordered a biplane to drop a crude bomb of nails and dynamite wrapped in leather. The bomb was crude, and the art of bombing was even cruder, missing its intended mark and killing two citizens and wounding several others.

The dropping of bombs from balloons had been outlawed by the Hague Convention of 1899, but Italy argued that this ban did not extend to airplanes.

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