

Frankenbiting is reality TV show jargon describing the act of stitching together sound bites of participant interviews or utterings in a way that changes their original meaning. For instance, if an interviewed party say they love ice cream but hate Karaoke, the cutting of the video as it appears on the reality TV show might make it look as if they said they love Karaoke. Frankenbiting -- a word play on "Frankenstein" and "sound bite" -- can be used as a trick by the show's editor to advance the plot in dramatic ways not provided by reality.

" [I] t happens more often than you may suspect", a [,9171,1154194,00.html?internalid=AOT_h_01-29-2006_how_reality_tv "Time" article] on the subject of Frankenbiting explains. The program consultant on the ABC reality show "The Dating Experiment", Todd Sharp, is quoted to have said that Frankenbites are the work of ""desperate people who had to deliver a story in a few days".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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