Pull and Bear

Pull and Bear

Pull and Bear is a Spanish chain of fashion stores introduced in 1991 by Inditex Group. It first operated in Portugal in 1992, and then the next countries to open up branches were Greece and Malta.

New product lines introduced in stores have diversified the range of products available in Pull and Bear outlets. These new lines include: music, technology, video games and video images mixed in with the clothing. Pull and Bear introduced the "XDYE" line in 1998, a more sporty and hi-tech line of clothes linked to the icons of 21st-century youth culture.

Recently, Pull and Bear opened its first UK store in the Liverpool One shopping district. [ [http://www.liverpool-one.com/website/template5.aspx?ParentSectionId=618d783e-1db7-4ef3-a0e3-23ae4e6002c9&CurrentSectionId=fec499c0-caca-49c6-9af6-dc10ba0b8690&ContentInstanceID=56cb7cad-d85e-40bf-8103-15d3cf9caeb9|accessdate=2008-06-30] ]


Pull and Bear now operates in:
*Czech Republic
*El Salvador
*Egypt - Opening Soon
*Republic of Ireland
*Saudi Arabia
*United Kingdom


External links

* [http://www.pullandbear.com Pull and Bear website]

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