



"Usually a female". The act of being terrifyingly beauti"ful" and expensively untouchable- should not be confused with Bad . "Marliec 'DeYega"

One should acknowledge that the word BAD which is no longer assigned to one meaning has grown to have different paths of its own . i.e.: Bad replaces 'Nice' from a famous lyric "Damn, the girl is bad...the girl is dangerous"

BAD has now belong to the list of slangs...Michael Jackson brought more meaning to Bad. 'Bad' became a Beautiful album.Here; Bad is "positive" and NEVER negative. Bad'iful' was born to give a profound meaning to something BAD beyond "enthralling."

Use Badiful for those who have unmatched swagger- "female only"". They certainly must have that oozing intelligence, glowing eminence. Please note that inner character doesnt apply. Mariah Carey is Bad but not Badiful. Beyonce is Badiful, so is Nicole Scherzinger as is Faye Amanda Eldridge. Now, you get the analogy. Inspired by RLH.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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