Benjamin Tabart

Benjamin Tabart

Benjamin Tabart (1767-1833) was the publisher and bookseller of the Juvenile Library in New Bond Street, London. Many of the books in his list were written by himself. In an age of strictly moralizing children's literature, he broke ground with his fairy tales and light-hearted nursery stories and chapbook tales. [ [ "Tabart's Collection of Popular Stories for the Nursery"] (1804, 1812). ] His is the first printed version (1807) of the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. [ [ Anon., "The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk"] ] Tabart had for an editor Mary Wollstonecraft (Mrs William Godwin) and maintained close professional relations with the prolific publisher, Sir Richard Phillips.

The standard bibliography of Tabart's production is Marjorie Moon, "Benjamin Tabart's Juvenile Library: A Bibliography of Books for Children Published, Written, Edited and Sold by Mr. Tabart, 1801-1820". (Winchester: St Paul's Bibliographies) 1990.


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