

A metaoxyacid is an acid related to oxoacid. Like oxoacids, metaoxyacids share a few similarities. [1]Specifically they:

  1. contains oxygen;
  2. contains at least one other element;
  3. has at least one hydrogen atom bound to oxygen; and
  4. forms an ion by the loss of one or more protons.

However, they are distinguished in that metaoxyacids:

  1. have a distinct, differing molecular structure from all oxoacids
  2. dissolve in a dissimilar manner
  3. are more stable and do not disperse in aqueous solutions

Generally, oxoacids are simply polyatomic ions with a hydrogen cation, and a metaoxyacid is similar but less reactive.

See also


  1. ^ Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds: Or, Organic Chemistry. Victor von Richter.Blakiston.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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