

The Noble House of Ledochowski (historic name is "Halka von Ledochow Count Ledochowski") are a Polish as well as Austrian aristocratic family. Their lineage begins in 1457 in the Volhynian Voivodeship of the Commonwealth of the Crown of the Polish Kingdom, where the boyar knight Nestor Halka took the name of his estate Ledochow as his own. It is said that the boyar dynastic family Halka family draw their origins to the times of the Kievan Rus in 971. As direct descendants of these boyar knights, members of the Ledochowski family bear the same Coat of Arms with the name Szalawa (Herb Szalawa). The Ledochowski family belonged to the upper echelons of the polish aristocracy, the so-called Magnates, and amongst its descendants ranked senators, voivoda as well as count palatines.

After the Partition of Poland in then late 18th century, the country was carved up between Austria, Germany and Russia. Antoni Halka von Ledochow - Ledochowski (1755-1835) obtained the hereditary title of Count in Austria from Emperor Francis II on the 8th of May 1800. The title was confirmed in the Kingdom of Poland in 1824, and in Russia on the 18th of May 1845.

The descendants of Antoni Halka von Ledochow Count Ledochowski distinguished themselves with their services to the Catholic Church (see Cardinal Mieczysław Ledochowski, Jesuitgeneral Wladimir Ledochowski, Saint Ursula Ledochowska and Blessed Marie-Therese Ledochowska), services to the Austrian Crown (see Wladimir Count Ledochowski, equerry to the last Austrian Emperor Charles; Timotheusz Count Ledochowski, educator of Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph; Josef Count Ledochowski , Officer in the Austrian Chief of Staff), as well as services to the Polish Crown and Polish Patriots (Stanislaus Ledochowski, Marshal of the Tarnogród Confederation; General Ignaz Count Ledochowski, Commander of the Fortress Modlin; Jan Halka Ledochowski, Parliamentarian and Polish Revolutionary; General Ignaz Count Ledochowski (II), Political Prisoner and Holocaust Victim).

Members of the noble family Ledochowski currently live in Austria, Poland and the United Kingdom. There are however other families carrying this name or variations thereof (such as Ledohowski) who are not related to this noble family. It's worth noting that peasant families who were somehow associated with the townships of Ledochow or Leduchowka (present day Ukraine) may have ended up with this surname.


* Maria Teresia Ledochowska Blessed Maria Teresia Halka Countess Ledóchowska (1863-1922)
* Ursula Ledochowska Saint Ursula Halka Countess Ledóchowska (1865-1939)
* Antoni Ledochowski Antoni Halka Count Ledochowski (1755-1835)
* Ignacy Ledochowski I General Ignacy Halka Count Ledochowski (1789-1870), Commander of the Fortress Modlin
* Ignacy Ledochowski II General Ignacy Halka Count Ledochowski (1871-1945), Political Prisoner and Holocaust Victim
* Igor Ledochowski Igor-Alexander Halka Count Ledochowski
* Mieczyslaw Ledochowski Cardinal Mieczyslaw Halka Count Ledochowski (1822-1902)
* Stanislaw Ledochowski Stanisław Ledóchowski (1666-1725), Marshal of the Tarnogród Confederation
* Wladimir Ledochowski Wladimir Halka Count Ledochowski (1866-1942), Jesuit General




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