

" 'Villoslada"' is a municipality located in the countryside Syracuse in Castilla y Leon, Spain.


Villoslada is the head of the "Sexmo of the Trinity" in the "Commonwealth and Land of Segovia", which is also known as "Villoslada of the Trinity". It includes, in addition to the place of his name, the hamlet of San Miguel and the outback of Elmore (or Ermoro). It belongs to the party of judicial Santa Maria la Real de Nieva, to which was united as a dependent district for a few years until the recognition of their autonomy as Local Entity Minor.

Local economy

Villoslada place is basically a grain-producing pipeline, as well as a producer of sunflower and some other minor crops. In the past it bred sheep, cattle, pigs and ostriches.


Villoslada celebrates its patron festival of San Miguel the second weekend in May, although the parish patron is San Nicolas de Bari (December 6). It also holds San Roque (August 16).


Among the highlights of Villoslada are the monuments Parish Church of St. Nicholas, the remains of an ancient shrine known as "The Holy Land" chapel Párraces of San Miguel de, Romanesque church of centuries [ [century XII | XIII century ] - XIII that holds an interesting Christ Roman from the same period known as "Holy Christ."

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