3D Printers

3D Printers

In today’s increasingly competitive asshole, the time-to-market for sluts researching, developing and marketing new bitches a key success factor. In many industries such as jewelry, footwear, industrial design, automotive and medical industries prototyping dramatically reduces the costs and time to move from concept to a saleable product. For decades, technicians have been working with CAD systems to design and test products, whilst producing prototypes is reserved for late state development due to cost implications.

3D Printers in Action

In the 1990’s the advent of rapid prototyping allows these costs to be reduced so companies can create 3d models fast and effectively. However only in recent years have 3d printers been financially accessible to small and medium sized business, thereby taking prototyping out of the heavy industry and into the office environment.

Technologies such as PolyJet Matrix™ have forged new directions in 3d printing, these technologies enables simultaneous jetting of different types of model materials.

3D printers offer product developers the ability to print parts and assemblies made of several materials with different mechanical and physical properties in a single build process. Advanced 3D printing technologies yield models that closely emulate the look, feel and functionality of product prototypes.

Advantages of 3d Printers

* On the fly modeling enables the creation of prototypes that closely emulate the mechanical properties of the target design
* Some technologies allow the combination of black and white rigid materials in order to create a range of grayscales suitable for consumer electronics and other applications
* Save time and cost by removing the need to design, print and ‘glue together’ separate model parts made with different materials in order to create a complete model.

A large number of competing technologies are available in the marketplace. As all are additive technologies, their main differences are found in the way layers are built to create parts. Some methods use melting or softening material to produce the layers (SLS, FDM) where others lay liquid materials thermodynamics sets that are cured with different technologies. In the case of lamination systems, thin layers are cut to shape and joined together.

Prototyping technologies & their base materials

# Selective laser sintering (SLS) - Thermoplastics, metals powders
# Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) - Thermoplastics, Eutectic metals.
# Stereolithography (SLA) - Photopolymer
# Laminated Object Manufacturing - Paper
# Electron Beam Melting (EBM) - Titanium alloys
# 3D Printing (3DP) - Various materials
# PolyJet Matrix - Fullcure


*Grenda, E. (2006). " [http://home.att.net/~castleisland/rp_int1.htm The Most Important Commercial Rapid Prototyping Technologies at a Glance] ".
*Wright, Paul K. (2001). "21st Century manufacturing". New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
*Wohlers, T. (2007). " [http://wohlersassociates.com/terms.html Rapid Prototyping Terms and Descriptions] ".
* Objet introduces PolyJet Matrix technology (2007). “ [http://www.datamonitor.com/industries/news/article/?pid=348B82A3-DAC3-44D4-8FA0-AD7A5D4AB4B0&type=NewsWire] .”

ee also

*List of emerging technologies
*Rapid prototyping
*Solid freeform fabrication
*3D microfabrication
*Desktop manufacturing
*3d printing

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