Hernando de Cabezón

Hernando de Cabezón

Hernando de Cabezón, (Madrid, September 7th, 1541 - Valladolid, October 1st, 1602) was a Spanish composer and organist of the Renaissance, son of the illustrious musician Antonio de Cabezón.

He was appointed organist of the Sigüenza Cathedral in 1563, and when his father died, he succeeded him as royal organist. When Philip II of Spain died, he went on as royal organist with his son Philip III of Spain, until his death.

Besides his own compositions, Hernando published the vast majority of his father's compositions in a book called "Obras de música para tecla, arpa y vihuela", in 1578; because of that, it has been possible to know a significant output of Antonio de Cabezón, one of the most splendid musicians of the 16th century.

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