Redd Boggs

Redd Boggs

Dean Walter "Redd" Boggs (1921-1996) was a science fiction fanzine writer, editor and publisher.

Beginning with his editing of the 1948 "Fantasy Annual", and through his fanzines such as "Sky Hook", he raising the standards for fan writing and fanzine production. "Sky Hook" published both fannish and critical material, including early criticism by James Blish. His fanzine "Discord" was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo in 1961. [ [ 1961 Hugo Nominees List] ] . His personal fanzine "Spirochete" for the Fantasy Amateur Press Association lasted for 76 issues. Boggs was nominated for the Retro Hugo#Retro Hugos for Best Fan Writer, and "Sky Hook" was nominated for Best Fanzine. [ [ Retro Hugo Nominees List] ] Boggs was also a member of First Fandom. [Obituary of Boggs; "Locus" June 1996 issue (#425)]


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