- The Hobsons Prize
[http://www.thestage.co.uk/news/newsstory.php/21776/hobsons-sponsors-student-voice-over-contest ] The Hobsons Prize was established in 2008 by renowned artists agency Hobsons International. They believe the skills of a voice-over should be acknowledged and applauded.
Accredited UK drama schools (http://www.drama.ac.uk) are beginning to recognise the importance of this work as part of an actor’s skill set. In addition to the long established coaching for radio drama, many are now teaching specific techniques relating to voice-over work as part of the syllabus.
It was in recognition of this significant step and to encourage its development that The Hobsons Prize was created. It is set to become an annual award and is a great opportunity to discover new, young talent amongst graduating students.
The winner of the 2008 award was Bethan James who graduated from ArtsEd (Arts Educational Schools London http://www.artsed.co.uk) earlier in the year. She will receive representation by Hobson’s Voices for a minimum of one year.
The key objectives of The Hobsons Prize are
• To discover new actors with a natural, distinctive voice quality and an aptitude for voice-over work.
• To encourage actors to learn and appreciate the skills involved in all areas of voice-over work.
• To further promote the introduction of microphone and voice-over technique as part of an actor’s study.
• To promote voice-over work as a creative skill.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.